Les corsaires de Granville Michel Aumont PU Rennes Histoire
Les corsaires de Granville Michel Aumont PU Rennes Histoire Francais 537 pages B The reorganizations in the organizations are at the origin of discomforts to work which take various forms, sometimes dramatic. Beyond the work conditions, they are professional logics of the workers who are put at evil. Being based on a sociology of the professions from now on installed well in the French landscape of the discipline, the work joins together results of research tasks questioning the question of the autonomy of the professionals of various horizons. Post-office Employees, data processing specialists, technicians and advisers are subjected to the transformations of the ways of managing within their companies, while evolutions also come to hustle the police officers, the magistrates, the officers of the army like the doctors or the accountants within the institutional executives which govern them. These changes are lived as as many injunctions to professionalism which generally enter in collision with the designs than the professionals have themselves of their activity. These injunctions result in a request for greater performance, of a better effectiveness, an adequacy to logics of the market, but also to political requirements or those of the users. However the loss of control of the bases of the occupation does not go without resistances nor strategies of adaptation on behalf of these actors. The work thus gets busy to give an account of such dynamic professional, and this on various registers such as the statute, the career, the legal framework, the technical nature of the activity, the relation with the public or the coordination and the exercise of the authority in work. Diversity of the studied business offer a very concrete vision of the phenomena to work. Biography of the author Valerie Boussard is water caltrop of conferences at the university of Versailles St-Quentin and member of Spring-CNRS. She published Sociologie of management recently. Makers of performance, Paris, Belin, . Didier Demaziere is research director at CNRS, old directing laboratory Spring-CNRS. Author in particular of unemployment. How can one be unemployed? Paris, Belin, . Philip Milburn is professor of sociology at the university of Versailles St-Quentin and member of Spring-CNRS. It recently published Which justice for the minors? Between threatened childhood and threatening adolescence, Toulouse, Eras, . Entre le XVIIe siecle et la chute de Napoleon 1er, le port terre-neuvier de Granville pratique regulierement la guerre de course. Toute une population littorale se retrouve ainsi impliquee clans une aventure maritime ou le desir de faire fortune cotoie constamment le risque d'y laisser sa vie, son bien et ses illusions. Portee par une poignee d'armateurs particulierement entreprenants et audacieux, l'activite du port bas-normand est eclatante. Des batiments de toutes tailles - du simple lougre de 3 tonneaux aux grands navires, pouvant jauger jusqu'a 530 tonneaux - se retrouvent armes pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Les satisfactions des uns cotoient les deceptions des autres. Granville devient pourtant le 3e port corsaire metropolitain francais sous Louis XVI par le nombre d'armements et par la valeur des prises rapportees. De quoi contenter tout le monde, pourrait-on penser. C'est toutefois oublier que la course est une activite perilleuse. Ce livre, tire d'une these en histoire, est avant tout une etude sociale de la guerre de course granvillaise. Pourquoi les armateurs et les gens de mer s'engagent-ils dans une activite qui comporte autant de risques ? Vers quels risques, d'ailleurs, et quels benefices ? four la premiere fois, une etude est menee aupres de hommes d'equipages afin de saisir la nature de ces dangers et mesurer precisement leur importance. De quoi remettre en question bien des cliches ! Avec rigueur, passion et simplicite., l'auteur reussit non seulement a expliquer les armements, les equipages, les preoccupat