Marte Rojo KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Minotauro Biblioteca Kim Sta
Marte Rojo KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Minotauro Biblioteca Kim Stanley Robinson Espagn  _ Set in a moderately posh suburb of London, acclaimed British novelist Rachel Cusk's Arlington Park is a captivating exploration of how the simple act of living can become an excruciating exercise in self-deprivation, hypocrisy, and desperation.Set in has moderately posh suburb of London, acclaimed British novelist Rachel Cusk' S Arlington Park has captivating exploration of how the simple act of living room edge become year excruciating exercise in coil-deprivation, hypocrisy, and desperation. Set over the chases of has individual day, the Novell follows has group of Young mothers who feel both anger At the husbands who seemingly imprisoned them in has world of minivans and coffee klatches, and resignation butt the fates they seem destined to fulfill. While Arlington Park may deal in toddlers and to touch tots, it is certainly not another generic Mommy Reads clone. Cusk has skilled writer, and in her hands, has dreary buffet short At the badly food is transformed into ?lost property, goal for people.? Ace the day progress, we watch ace Juliet chops her to hate off in has small, yew meaningless act of rebellion, Amanda stifles has burning wished to scream At has neighbor's kid for ruining her white sofa, Maisie blames her parents for not loving her enough while throwing her daughter' S lunchbox At the kitchen wall, and Christine stuffs chicken breasts while silently cursing her husband for spending too much time getting ready for has to dine party. In each scene, the oppressiveness is almost unbearable, prompting readers to practically beg thesis women to flee ace far and possible ace fast ace is humanely. Of chases, in driving her readers to the edge of frustration and offends, Cusk succeeds in creating has Novell that penetrates deeper than most. Still, after turning the last page, you might find yourself reaching for has little Mommy Lit candy to take the edge off. --Gisele Toueg Siglo XXI. Durante eones, las tormentas de arena han barrido el esteril y desolado paisaje del planeta rojo. Ahora, en el año , cien colonos, cincuenta mujeres y cincuenta hombres, viajan a Marte para dominar ese clima hostil. Tienen como misiĂłn la terraformaciĂłn de Marte, y como lema «si el hombre no se puede adaptar a Marte, hay que adaptar Marte al hombre». Espejos en Ăłrbita reflejarĂĄn la luz sobre la superficie del planeta, en las capas polares se esparcirĂĄ un polvo negro que fundirĂĄ el hielo y grandes tĂșneles, de kilĂłmetros de profundidad, atravesarĂĄn el manto marciano para dar salida a gases calientes. En este escenario epico, habrĂĄ amistades y rivalidades, pues algunos lucharĂĄn hasta la muerte para evitar que el planeta rojo cambie. Kim Stanley Robinson naciĂł en . Es uno de los mĂĄs prolĂficos y celebrados autores de ciencia ficciĂłn norteamericanos. Especialmente conocido por la TrilogĂa de Marte, galardonada con los premios Nebula y Hugo, ha escrito obras como AntĂĄrtida, The Wilde Shore, Pacific Edge o The Gold Coast y Tiempos de arroz y sal, que le han valido otras distinciones, entre ellas, los premios Asimov, John W. Campbwell, Locus y World Fantasy Award. Vive en Davis (California).  Faire une rechercher sur Marte Rojo KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Minotauro Biblioteca Kim Stanley Robinson Espagn Faire une rechercher sur KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Titre: Marte Rojo KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Minotauro Biblioteca Kim Stanley Robinson Espagn Auteur: KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Editeur: Minotauro Edition: 1 Reliure: Broche Date de parution: Date de rĂ©Ă©dition: Collection: Biblioteca Kim Stanley Robinson Tome: 2 Langue: Espagnol Traduction: Abarca, Jocelyne Echelle: Dimensions: x x 3,80 Poids: 168 grammes Nombre de pages: 584 pages Etat: Livre comme neuf DisponibilitĂ© courrante: Expedier sous 48 heures Autre: Ărase una vez una guerra cruel. Una confrontaciĂłn entre humanos y feé