Statistics for Economics, Accounting and Business Studies by Michael Barrow (Paperback, 2013)

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Product Information

Were you looking for the book with access to MyMathLab Global? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyMathLab Global. Buy Statistics for Economics, Accounting and Business Studies with MyMathLab Global access card, 6/e (ISBN 9780273788508) if you need access to the MyMathLab Global as well, and save money on this brilliant resource. Do you need to brush up on your statistical skills to truly excel in your economics or business course? If you want to increase your confidence in statistics then this is the perfect book for you. The 6th edition of Statistics for Economics, Accounting and Business Studies continues to present a user-friendly and concise introduction to a variety of statistical tools and techniques. Throughout the text, the author demonstrates how and why these techniques can be used to solve real-life problems, highlighting common mistakes and assuming no prior knowledge of the subject. Need extra support? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyMathLab Global. This title can be supported by MyMathLab Global, an online homework and tutorial system which can be fully integrated into an instructor's course. You can benefit from MyMathLab Global at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access card for MyMathLab Global: Buy Statistics for Economics, Accounting and Business Studies with MyMathLab Global access card, (ISBN 9780273788508) Alternatively, buy access to MyMathLab Global and the eText - an online version of the book - online at www.

Product Identifiers

PublisherPearson Education The Limited
eBay Product ID (ePID)129251896

Product Key Features

Number of Pages504 Pages
Publication NameStatistics for Economics, Accounting and Business Studies
SubjectEconomics, Mathematics, Business, Economy & Industry, Business
Publication Year2013
AuthorMichael Barrow
Subject AreaEconomics: Textbooks & Study Guides


Item Height245 mm
Item Weight950 g
Item Width191 mm

Additional Product Features

Country/Region of ManufactureUnited Kingdom