ToutVendre.Fr France

CD Evita 3 €

Annonce n° 33714156 - Publié le 25 mai à 20:11

3 €

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Vends CD Evita - B.O. du film Evita.

1/ Requiem for Evita

2/ Oh what a circus

3/ On the night of a thousand stars

4/ Eva and Magaldi / Eva beware of the city

5/ Buenos Aires

6/ Another suitcase in another hall

7/ Goodnight and thank you

8/ I'd be surprisingly good for you

9/ Person's latest Flame

10/ A new Argentina

11/ Don't cry for me Argentina

12/ High flying, adored

13/ Rainbow high

14/ And the money kept rolling in (and out)

15/ She is a diamond

16/ Waltz for Eva and Che

17/ You must love me

18/ Eva's final broadcast

19/ Lament

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