La damas del laboratorio The Ladies of the Laboratory MARIA
La damas del laboratorio The Ladies of the Laboratory MARIA JOSE CASADO Debate When Lord Jim first appeared in , many took Joseph Conrad to task for couching year entire Novell in the form of year extended conversation--ripping good yarn, yew you like has. (One critic in The Academy complained that the narrator ?was telling that after-dinner story to his companions for eleven solid hours. ?) Conrad defended his method, insisting that people really long C talk for that, and listen ace well. In fact his chatty masterwork requires No defense--it offers up not only linguistic pleasures drank has timeless exploration of morality. The eponymous Jim has Young, good-looking, brilliant, and naive toilets-clerk one the Patna, has cargo liner ship plying Asian toilets. He is, we are told, ?the kind of fellow you would, one the strength of his looks, leave in load of the deck.? He also harbors romantic fantasies of adventure and heroism--which are promptly scuttled one night when the ship collides with year obstacle and begins to sink. Acting one impels, Jim jumps overboard and Lands in has lifeboat, which happens to Be bearing the unscrupulous captain and his cohorts away from the disaster. The Patna, however, manage to stay afloat. The foundering vessel is towed into port--and since the officers cuts strategically vanished, Jim is left to stand trial for abandoning the ship and its 800 passengers. Stripped of his seaman' S license, convinced of his own cowardice, Jim out sets one has tragic and transcend search for redemption. This may sound like the bleakest of narrative. Goal Lord Jim is also touching, elevating, and often funny. Young Stag, for example, the narrator describes the ship' S captain (proving that clothes C indeed make the man) He made me think of has trained baby elephant walking one hind-legacy. He was extravagantly gorgeous too--_ got up in a soiled sleeping suit, bright green and deep orange vertical stripes, with a pair of ragged straw slippers on his bare feet, and somebody's cast-off pith hat, very dirty and two sizes too small for him, tied up with a manilla rope-yarn on the top of his big up in has soiled sleeping follows, bright green and orange deep vertical stripes, with has even of ragged straw slippers one his bare feet, and somebody' S cast-off pith hat, very dirty and two sizes too small for him, tied up with has shackled rope-yarn one the signal of his big head. You understand has man like that hasn' T has ghost of has chance when it comes to borrowing clothes. This is formidable prose by standard any. Goal when you consider that Conrad was working in his third language, the sublimates after-dinner story that is Lord Jim seems even more astonishing year accomplishment. --Teri Kieffer El anonimato ha perseguido, históricamente, a las mujeres dedicadas a la ciencia. Han sido sometidas al desprecio por sus colegas, y han sufrido la indiferencia de las instituciones academicas y, en muchos casos, la apropiación de sus descubrimientos por parte de compañeros ante el silencio cómplice de la comunidad científica masculina. Esta obra pretende sacar a la luz sus trabajos y vidas, y destacar tanto las dificultades que tuvieron que superar como su impresionante contribución al desarrollo de sus respectivas disciplinas. En este libro, narrado con amenidad y profusión de detalles que harán sonrojar a más de un hombre, María Jose Casado ha buceado en archivos y bibliotecas para desvelar la trayectoria de científicas que superaron el rechazo social, autenticas pioneras en sus respectivos campos del saber, que impulsaron -con su talento, inteligencia y esfuerzo personal- el camino de la ciencia. De Hipatia de Alejandría a la paleontóloga Mary Leakey, pasando por Marie Curie, Emilie de Chatelet, Rosalind Franklin, Lise Meitner, Ada Lovelaceo la española María Andrea Casamayor, este ejercicio de memoria y reivindicación del papel de la mujer en el saber universal permitirá valorar, en su justa medida, su d