The Story of Domesday Book
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erskine, R. W. H. / Williams, Ann / Erskine, Rwh, PUBLISHER: Hiong>storyong> Press, Domesday ong>Bookong>, first published in , has attracted intense scrutiny particularly since ong>theong> ninth centenary celebrations and ong>theong> publication ong>ofong> new editions and modern translations by both Alecto Historical Editions and Phillimore. Facsimiles, translations, maps and apparatus are now readily available on CD-ROM. Never before has it been possible to explore ong>theong> intricacies ong>ofong> this infinitely detailed text so deeply, nor to extract from it such a wealth ong>ofong> information about medieval England. ong>Theong> ong>Storyong> ong>ofong> Domesday ong>Bookong> is a richly rewarding collection ong>ofong> special studies relating to Domesday ong>Bookong> by outstanding Domesday scholars ong>ofong> our time. ong>Theong> ong>Storyong> ong>ofong> Domesday ong>Bookong> throws new light on ong>theong> dark corners ong>ofong> this extraordinary Survey, and is an indispensable aid to furong>theong>r understanding England's most important public record.