The Impact of Television Advertising on Children
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Unnikrishnan, Namita / Bajpai, Shailaja, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), "We all know ong>theong> box was not ong>theong> best invention for children. A recently released tome, ong>Theong> ong>Impactong> ong>ofong> ong>Televisionong> ong>Advertisingong> on Children reinforces our trepidations. Written by Shailaja Bajpai and Namita Unnikjrishnan and published by Sage, ong>theong> researched work also alerts us to ong>theong> hazards ong>ofong> consumerism that TV exposes innocent minds to." --Metropolis on Saturday "Questions ong>theong> notion that children are mature enough to recognise ong>theong> commercial intent ong>ofong> ong>advertisingong>. ong>Theong> book concludes that a child 'instinctively trusts ong>theong> adult world1/4 consequently ong>televisionong>, which is peopled by grown ups, inspires ong>theong>m with ong>theong> faith that whatever appears on TV is real and not be doubted'." --Times ong>ofong> India "Meticulously researched, yes. Cogently argued, perhaps1/4. In many ways, this is a seminal book." --Business World "ong>Theong> ong>Impactong> ong>ofong> ong>Televisionong> ong>Advertisingong> on Children is a book that deserves to be read by all adults responsible in any way in shaping ong>theong> life ong>ofong> children in ong>theong>ir charge." --Times ong>ofong> India "An important point ong>ofong> view in ong>theong> discussion about media responsibility. This research study is a welcome contribution to public discourse because it is calmly argued and eschews ong>theong> fashionable tendency to bandy weaong>theong>r-beaten buzz words. ong>Theong> book will be valuable to anybody wanting to understand how ong>televisionong> bends ong>theong> mind, because although Unnikrishnan and Bajpai focus on children, ong>theong> scope ong>ofong> ong>theong> work includes and informed analysis ong>ofong> ong>theong> medium itself." --Newstime "This is a timely book. Also a useful one. In fact, a given its capsule format and its passion for facts, statistics and tables, it is really more a book to be used by prong>ofong>essionals ong>ofong> various kinds. Some kinds ong>ofong> data that ong>theong>y have chosen to elicit... would be ong>ofong> interest to advertisers.... ong>Ofong> interesting data ong>theong>re is plenty. In essence, this is a field study, ong>theong> first to be put out by a major publisher on ong>theong> specific topic ong>ofong> children and ong>televisionong> ong>advertisingong> in India." --Biblio "A seminal study.... ong>Theong> most complete analysis yet ong>ofong> ong>theong> child as consumer." --Business Today ong>Theong> manner in which ideas conveyed by ong>televisionong> programs and ong>advertisingong> shape our children's consciousness is ong>ofong> growing concern in India and throughout ong>theong> world today. Children, ong>theong> most impressionable ong>ofong> any group, are continually targeted by ong>theong> media, and despite ong>theong> rapid proliferation ong>ofong> ong>televisionong> in India, ong>theong>re is little informed research on its effects on India's "littlest consumers." Based on in-depth interviews with over 730 children between ong>theong> ages ong>ofong> 5 and 15, ong>Theong> ong>Impactong> ong>ofong> ong>Televisionong> ong>Advertisingong> on Children highlights ong>theong> ong>impactong> that TV has on ong>theong> values, attitudes, and aspirations ong>ofong> Indian children. ong>Theong> book provides an insight into ong>theong> lives ong>ofong> children from different social strata, and ong>theong>ir respective ways ong>ofong> handling, negotiating, and understanding information made available to ong>theong>m over ong>televisionong>. In parti Acheter Maintenant