The Many Faces of Science: An Introduction to Scientists,
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stevenson, Leslie / Byerly, Henry, PUBLISHER: Westview Press, ong>Theong> development of modern science, and its increasing impact on our lives and cultures, is one of ong>theong> great stories of our time. So, understanding--and coming to terms with--ong>theong> institution of modern science should be an integral part of education. In "ong>Theong> Many Faces of Science," Leslie Stevenson and Henry Byerly masterfully, and painlessly, provide ong>theong> basic information and ong>theong> philosophical reflection students need to gain such understanding. ong>Theong> authors make good use of case study methods, and ong>theong>y introduce us to dozens of figures from ong>theong> history of science. Stevenson and Byerly provide an elementary sketch of ong>theong> development of science through ong>theong> lives of its practitioners, and ong>theong>y examine ong>theong> often mixed motives of scientists, as well as ong>theong> conflicting values people bring to science--and to ong>theong>ir perceptions of its impact on society. ong>Theong> authors also explore ong>theong> relationship between scientific practice and political and economic power.Accessible and rich with anecdotes, personal asides, and keen insight, "ong>Theong> Many Faces of Science" is ong>theong> ideal interdisciplinary introduction for nonscientists in courses on science studies, science and society, and science and human values. It will also prove useful as supplementary reading in courses on science and philosophy, sociology, and political science. In this second edition of ong>Theong> Many Faces of Science, ong>theong> authors have updated topics that ong>theong>y explore in ong>theong> first edition, and ong>theong>y present new case studies on subjects such as HIV and AIDS, women in science, and work done in psychology and ong>theong> social sciences. ong>Theong> authors also extend ong>theong>ir discussion of science and values, in addition to revising ong>theong>ir study of science and technology to emphasize changes in scientific practice today.