Output transformer transfo de sortie 100 Watt Vintage. NOS.
Vends transfo de sortie de lampes double push-pull 100 Watts. Neuf en emballage dâorigine. Vintage...... NOS...... New old stock. Fabrication annĂ©es 60 ; Vintage. Transfo imprĂ©gnĂ©; excellente fabrication. Puissance 160 Watts maxi. ImpĂ©dance 3 Kohms. sorties ohms. Etaient utilisĂ©s pour fabriquer des doubles push_pull de 6L6 GC dâune puissance de 100 Watts. UtilisĂ©s par Garen, Shades, Shelton. Certains les prĂ©fĂšraient aux Fender. Aussi adaptĂ© Ă double push-pull de EL34. La fabrication en Ă©tait sous traitĂ©e Ă Legrand qui bobinait Ă lâĂ©poque sur cahier des charges. Peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s pour tout ampli utilisant ces types de montage : Fender basmann 100, twin reverb, twin amp, stevens 100wattsâŠ.etc ⊠Au primaire, il y a des prises ultra linĂ©aire Ă 50 %. Peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s en HIFI. Dimensions : ht 9,5 cm L12,3 cm. l 9,5 cm Poids : 3,8 kg. Bande passante Ă 3db : khz. Temps de montĂ©e sur signal carrĂ© 15 ”s. Pas de sur-oscillations signal carrĂ© sur charge rĂ©sistive 8 ohms. DĂ©phasage dâun signal sinus entre entrĂ©e et sortie Ă 20 khz : 15 degrĂ©s. 5 sans contre rĂ©action). Prix : 80 euros. Prix dĂ©gressif par quantitĂ©.Demander le prix du port qui peut varier selon la mĂ©thode et la destination. Sell ?? output ??transformer for double push-pull 100 Watts. New in original packaging.VINTAGE....... NOS.......Year year manufacturing. Impregnated transformer, excellent workmanship. 160 Watts maximum power. Impedance 3 Kohms. Output ohms. Were used for push_pull doubles 6L6 GC, amplifier with an output of 100 Watts. Used by Garen, Shades, Shelton. Some people prefer to Fender. May be suitable for dual push-pull EL34. The production was subcontracted by Legrand made at the time of specification. Can be used for any amp using these types of installation: Fender Basmann 100 twin reverb, twin amp stevens 100watts.... etc.... In primary, there are wire for ultra-linear 50%. Can be used in HIFI. Dimensions: 9.5 cm ht L12, 3 cm. the 9.5 cm Weight: 3.8 kg. 3dB bandwidth at 10 to 32khz. Rise time of square wave signal 15 microseconds. No overshoots square wave 8 ohm resistive load. Phase shift of a sine signal between input and output at 20 kHz: 15 degrees. (without CR) Price: 80 euros. Discount price per quantity. Vox Fender gibson rickenbaker morley ibanez godin mxr electro harmonix wah ampeg twinreverb vibrolux precision jazzbass neumann dbx marshall Acheteur hors de france demander le prix du port qui varie selon la destination de euros. Out of france ask shipping price. ask the fare varies according to destination and quantity: Europe: euros. Europe de l'est norvĂšge Maghreb: euros. Afrique hors magrheb, canada usa: . Other: