The History of King Lear, a Tragedy: As It Is Now Acted at
ong>ISong>BN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tate, Nahum, PUBLong>ISong>HER: Gale Ecco, Prong>inong>t Edong>itong>ions, ong>Theong> 18th century was a wealth of kong>nowong>ledge, exploration and rapidly growong>inong>g technology and expandong>inong>g record-keepong>inong>g made possible by advances ong>inong> ong>theong> prong>inong>tong>inong>g press. ong>Inong> ong>itong>s determong>inong>ation ong>toong> preserve ong>theong> century of revolution, Gale ong>inong>ong>itong>iated a revolution of ong>itong>s own: digong>itong>ization of epic proportions ong>toong> preserve ong>theong>se ong>inong>valuable works ong>inong> ong>theong> largest archive of ong>itong>s kong>inong>d. ong>Nowong> for ong>theong> first ong>timeong> ong>theong>se high-qualong>itong>y digong>itong>al copies of origong>inong>al 18th century manuscripts are available ong>inong> prong>inong>t, makong>inong>g ong>theong>m highly accessible ong>toong> libraries, undergraduate students, and ong>inong>dependent scholars.Western long>itong>erary study flows out of eighteenth-century works by Alexander Pope, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fieldong>inong>g, Frances Burney, Denong>isong> Diderot, Johann Gottfried Herder, Johann Wolfgang von Goeong>theong>, and oong>theong>rs. Experience ong>theong> birth of ong>theong> modern novel, or compare ong>theong> development of language usong>inong>g dictionaries and grammar dong>isong>courses. ++++ong>Theong> below data was compiled from various identification fields ong>inong> ong>theong> bibliographic record of thong>isong> tong>itong>le. Thong>isong> data ong>isong> provided as an addong>itong>ional ong>toong>ol ong>inong> helpong>inong>g ong>toong> ong>inong>sure edong>itong>ion identification: ++++Brong>itong>ong>isong>h LibraryTAn adaptation of William Shakespeare's 'Kong>inong>g Lear'.London: prong>inong>ted for J. Brong>inong>dley, C. Hong>itong>ch, J. Hodges, C. Corbett, J. and T. Kong>inong>g, R. New, W. Reeve, and J. Cooper, ]p.; 12