France Blitzkrieg in the West Alan Shepperd Osprey Publ
France Blitzkrieg in the West Alan Shepperd Osprey Publishing illustrated The German victory of stunned the world. France, major European power and owner of the World's largest armies had fallen in less than seven weeks to the might of the German Wehrmacht. The secret of the Wehrmacht's success lay in its carefully thought out organisation and the tactics of blitzkrieg. Fast moving tank divisions supported by armoured, mobile infantry swept over opposition, helped by both conventional bombers and deadly Stuka dive-bombers. Alan Shepperd's highly detailed text examines the tactics, organisation and equipment of the Allied and German forces, and provides a daily account of the most crucial period of the battle. Publisher comments Highly visual guides to history's greatest conflicts, detailing the command strategies, tactics, and experiences of the opposing forces throughout each campaign, and concluding with a guide to the battlefields today. La victoire Allemande de a stupefie le monde. La France, la puissance Europeenne principale et le proprietaire des plus grandes armees du Monde etaient tombes en moins de sept semaines a la force du Wehrmacht Allemand. Le secret du succes du Wehrmacht s'etendent dans le son soigneusement a pense l'organisation et la tactique a la guerre eclair. Divisions Rapides de reservoir soutenues par l'infanterie blindee et mobile balayee au-dessus de l'opposition, aidee en les bombardiers conventionnels et les bombardiers pour attaques en pique mortels de Stuka. Le texte fortement detaille d'Alan Shepperd examine la tactique, l'organisation et l'equipement des forces Alliees et Allemandes, et fournit un compte quotidien de la periode la plus cruciale de la bataille. Commentaires d'Editeur Guides Fortement visuels des plus grands conflits de l'histoire, detaillant les strategies de commande, la tactique, et les experiences d'opposition dans toute chaque campagne, et conclusion avec un guide des champs de bataille des forces aujourd'hui. Used Book in Good Condition Osprey's Campaign title for France's defeat in the early period of World War II (). The German victory of stunned the world. France, major European power and owner of the world's largest armies had fallen in less than seven weeks to the might of the German Wehrmacht. The secret of the Wehrmacht's success lay in its carefully thought out organization and the tactics of blitzkrieg. Fast moving tank divisions supported by armoured, mobile infantry swept over opposition, helped by both conventional bombers and deadly Stuka dive-bombers. Alan Shepperd's highly detailed text examines the tactics, organization and equipment of the Allied and German forces, and provides a daily account of the most crucial period of the battle. Biographie de l'auteur Alan Shepperd was educated at Magdalen College School and the Royal Military Academy. He served with the British Army during WWII and was for many years Senior Lecturer at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Faire une rechercher sur France Blitzkrieg in the West Alan Shepperd Osprey Publishing illustrated Faire une rechercher sur Alan Shepperd Titre: France Blitzkrieg in the West Alan Shepperd Osprey Publishing illustrated Auteur: Alan Shepperd Editeur: Osprey Publishing Edition: illustrated edition Reliure: Broche Format: Broche Date de parution: Date de réédition: Collection: Campaign Langue: Anglais Traduction: Beurthon-Sharp, Lorraine Marque: Brand Osprey Publishing Dimensions: x 0,90 x Poids: 159 grammes Nombre de pages: 96 pages Information Complementaire: Used Book in Good Condition Etat: Livre comme neuf Disponibilité courrante: Expedier sous 48 heures Mot Clef: Germany Military History Military History - World War I World War, France Second World War, History Military World War II History History - Military War Military - World War II Military Sci