Butterflies in Autumn
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Strong, Charles, PUBLISHER: Ajoyong>inong> Publishong>inong>g, A comong>inong>g-of-age story about a 10 year old boy, and his family, as they attempt to hide run-away slaves ong>inong> the days prior to the Underground Railroad.Imagong>inong>e yourself cold, tired, and hungry. Imagong>inong>e havong>inong>g to run for your life under the cover of darkness, all because someone else owned you. Now imagong>inong>e that you have been caught and are severely beaten, perhaps even killed.On the other hand, what would you do if this were goong>inong>g to happen to somebody else? Would you go out of your way to help them... even if it meant breakong>inong>g the law? What if it meant goong>inong>g to jail, or losong>inong>g everythong>inong>g you owned? Which would you chose-helpong>inong>g somebody else ong>inong> their hour of greatest need, or self-preservation?Meet a ten-year-old boy on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness as he ponders these questions. Watch him face ong>inong>credible odds as he searches his heart for the 'right thong>inong>g' to do. The author brong>inong>gs this tension to life as the characters become wrapped up ong>inong> what would eventually become an iconic moment ong>inong> American History.