Rare lampe veilleuse brûle-parfum ART DECO signée Maison
Authentique grande lampe-veilleuse-brĂ»le parfum en porcelaine polychrome Ă base triangulaire, dite « Lampe Berger », fabriquĂ© par la Maison Duchaussy (Limoges). SignĂ©e. Haut: 43,5 cm - Base (cĂŽtĂ©): 17,5 cm En parfaite Ă©tat, pas de cassures, couleurs vives ! La veilleuse brĂ»le-parfum est composĂ©e de trois parties, le tube Ă trois faces dans lequel on place lâĂ©clairage, le chapeau perforĂ© par lequel le parfum ressort et un contenant en porcelaine Ă lâintĂ©rieur qui permet de dĂ©poser le parfum liquide. Peut-ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e comme objet de dĂ©coration, mais aussi, si installer lâĂ©clairage, comme veilleuse brĂ»le-parfum (la lumiĂšre passe sur les cĂŽtĂ©s derriĂšre les figurines de femmes). Chaque face est ornĂ©e dâune figure fĂ©minine reprĂ©sentant lâAsie (femme en robe rose), lâAfrique (femme en robe jaune) et lâEurope (femme en rose verte). Cette lampe-brĂ»le-parfum a Ă©tĂ© Ă©ditĂ©e Ă lâoccasion de lâExposition coloniale de Ă Paris. Objet rare!!! Rare French Porcelain Art Deco Perfume Burner Lamp Signed M Duchaussy s We are listing for your consideration a lovely French Porcelain Art Deco Perfume Burner, Potpourri Lamp Signed M. Duchaussy. This lamp is in Excellent Original Condition with no chips, cracks, and or repairs to any of the 3 parts. The lamp has definetly been used with perfume, the inside of the large figural section is stained. We cleaned the lid and the insert, it had the same stains, came off no problem with a little soap and water. The lamp has it's original light socket and wiring, the wiring is European, it would be very easy to rewire and convert. The wiring consists of the cord & socket, you feed the wire through the get the socket to the top to put the bulb in. The lamp measures 17" tall x 7 1/4" wide x 6 1/4" deep and weighs approximately 5lb 7oz. The lamp has the base featuring 3 different painted women, this has 2 manufactured holes in the base for the wiring, the insert for the perfume or potpourri, and the lid which is also painted and has 4 small holes for the perfume. A great rare lamp from French artist Maison Duchaussy dating from the 's. Pour plus d'information ou acheter,